Changing Tides

Well, life has certainly moved on from when I last posted. So many new things have occupied my time as I have taken time out of life to “just be”.

I have taken quite a number of various personal development courses, read spiritual/self-help books and went on a very personal journey to find my birth family. As a result, I feel so much calmer and relaxed.

I have been doing a lot of thinking about what has transpired in the past, what my life is currently like and what I plan for my future. The first step is going to be a major declutter. I realise now I have only dabbled in this in the past. Time to get real with me, face this head on, and like Nike says, Just Do It! To this end, I have joined in a program by Joshua Becker called “Uncluttered” promoting a minimalist lifestyle. I am ready. I am here. If you too are interested in or intrigued by this, you can go to his website and find out for yourself what I am talking about. The actual course has just started this week so it will be some months before it is offered again. In the meantime, you can read his books etc.

An Essential Pathway continues to be mainly in the background of my life at this time. This will change once I get other areas of my life in order. I cannot do or be it all, or try to, any longer. I have to do this for me, in my way, in my time. I burned out from trying to be what everyone else wanted me to be. I was a people pleaser. No more.

I feel a revamp of this website is in order too. Thinking of what I want it to become and how to achieve it. Stay tuned!


Coastal Girl

An Essential Pathway

For some time now I have been wanting to find a way to incorporate natural products into my life and rid myself of a growing number of toxic items.  I was looking for solutions for personal self care, hygiene products, nutritional supplements and cleaning products.  I found that solution last October, and shortly thereafter, my business “An Essential Pathway” was born.  Still early days on the journey, but one I feel is most gratifying as I see the change in my life.  I want to share this success with everyone.  Who doesn’t want to feel healthier and remove as many toxins and synthetic products from their lives?

I joined doTERRRA as a wellness advocate.  Slowly over these past few months I have been learning all about essential oils and their varied uses.  I have replaced my supplements, hair and skin products, cleaning products and recently added in emotional support via essential oils.  Diffusing oils in my home, applying topically and some internally, my health and wellbeing has been increased.  I have thrown out so many items from my bathroom and cleaning supplies.  I love that I can do the same job better with these essential oils.

If you are interested in learning more about how these wonderful oils and products can help you in your day to day life, contact me.  I am on instagram and Facebook.


Coastal Girl

The Tides Of Change

Life has this way of moving us all on, even when we feel like kicking or screaming, “No”!!!  A number of life events in the last few years have done that to me.  As I move down my new path, may I be the love and light this world needs.

I have always collected rocks/stones/crystals, but had totally forgotten all about it.  I am attracted to all things that reflect the colour of the ocean and so it came as no great surprise, when in a new age shop, I found myself looking at blue/green crystals.  There my love affair with them was reignited.

I have been doing oracle card readings for myself for some time and have attended the Mind, Body and Spirit Festival for the last few years.  Each time coming away with new ideas to try.  Some I have implemented in my life, and some I have not.  It is all a learning curve as we try new things on to see how it resonates with us.

I have enrolled with The Academy of Crystal Awakening to pursue a new direction…crystal healing.  I am a healer.  Always have been.  I just didn’t know how I wanted to channel my gifts.  I doubted myself.  Time to put my negative thoughts and self sabotage to rest once and for all.  Yes, I may stumble, I am having a human experience after all, but I WILL always come back better and stronger.

The ocean is calling me…time to go for a walk.

Crystal Blessings,

Coastal Girl

A Powerful Day…

Today is an auspicious day in Numerology circles.

It is one of the most powerful manifesting days of the year, a quadruple 9999 day.

September 9 is the 9th Day of the month.
September is a 9 Universal Month (9+2+0+1+6=18; 1+8=9).
2016 is an 9 Universal Year (2+0+1+6=9)
September 9th, 2016 is a 9 Universal Date (9+9+2+0+1+6=27; 2+7=9)
Remember, 9 is the number of celebration and culmination. Multiply that by 4 and watch out for all the goodness to come…and in my case, I am in a 9 personal year…so five 9’s today for me!!!

This incredibly rare 9999 day is ready and waiting to shower you with the unlimited rewards you’ve spent the last 9 years working so hard for…

If (and that’s a big IF) you’re prepared to release that which no longer serves you as we enter the final lap of 2016.

You see, while this 9th day, in the 9th month of a 9 year, packs some serious manifesting punch…

It also brings a not-so-subtle reminder to let go of your outdated beliefs, emotions, and karmic patterns, including those from past lives, that have been limiting you from the prosperity, love and abundance you deserve.

So have you noticed any changes in your life today?  I have, but I am not ready to share what it is just yet.


Coastal Girl

Time spent in Nature

…is time well spent.  I love to spend time in my garden.  At this time of year it may be getting hot, but my roses are blooming their hearts out.  I spent quite a bit of time in the garden weeding and deadheading flowers.  I could have spent much more time out there, but had to go to work.  A bit at a time.

I cleaned and refilled the birdbath.  Love seeing all kinds of bird splashing around in it and having a drink.  Need to refill it quite frequently in the summer.


This was taken before I started.  Need a good rain to get the lawn lush and green again.  Standard roses underplanted with Border Stars.  I look forward to the day they completely fill up the garden bed.


Coastal Girl

One of those days

Today was “one of those days”.  Full of small annoyances that just seemed to keep on going.  Now that it is finished though, I see how much I managed to remain poised and deal with it all methodically with good outcomes.  So really, it was a good day.

New items bought, some returned, car washed and a good work day.  I have been wearing my Amethyst lately and I do find it has a calming effect on me.

Tomorrow is another day.


Coastal Girl

Today I am grateful for…

feeling relaxed and refreshed after a good night’s rest.  A comfortable bed is a wonderful blessing.  A safe place to rest and allow our bodies to regenerate after a busy day.  It is amazing the difference this makes in our lives.  After all, we spend a third of our lives in bed.

To that end, I have invested in some good quality bed linens (bought on sale so even better/affordable) and have created as peaceful a space as possible.  I no longer read in bed or use electronic devices.  I have discovered it is best kept as a haven of peace that extends to a decent night’s sleep.

The serenity of it.


Coastal Girl

Divine Timing

I have put the folding table in my guest room as planned.  I am now ready to start the BIG sort out of photographs.  Have labelled some piles using copy paper and a sharpie pen to indicate the different categories.  Time for action.

This brings me to todays topic.  How to deal with digital media going forward.  We all have tons of pictures on our cameras, smart phones, tablets, computers, etc.  I have done a few things to try and organise my pictures, but am still not entirely happy with my system.  We don’t want to lose our precious memories after all.  Well this morning whilst checking out Facebook, I came across a post by Becky Higgins for someone who has done just this.  Absolutely synchronous or Divine Timing as they say.

I have written down her strategies.  Going forward I intend to slowly work through the backlog, and then develop a habit where by I attend to such things on the fly.  I do not want to be in this position again.

I have held off getting a dropbox account, but now think “it is time”.  I have learned a good way to label my files for easy retrieval and a colour coded system which will tell me at what level of organisation that file is in the system.  ie. photo edited, ready to print, etc.

I will share more as time goes on.  Hopefully this is food for thought for you too.


Coastal Girl.


I spent time last evening sorting through photographs, I had the television on in the background so I could catch up on some recordings from past weeks.  There are so many more photographs than I ever realised.  Some true gems are being found/rediscovered.  Sorting is a mammoth task.  As I take my time to categorise them, my lounge room is becoming increasingly more disorganised.  Hmmm, I may have to take it all to the dining room table!  I need to empty some containers and sort, sort, sort.

NB…Had a light bulb moment!!!  Instead of messing up the dining room table, I will put up my folding table in my guest room and sort stuff in there.  Love it!



As I said in yesterdays post, I intend to use the Project Life system for my scrapbooking.  I will be starting with a trip I took to Europe back in 1995.  As good a place as any I figure to start the process.  Several reasons for this. 1. I have so many pictures and memorabilia of this trip and 2.  I already have these set aside.  No brainer really.  Then, in the background, I can be chipping away at the other photos/memorabilia in readiness.

In amongst all this, is the need to clear off my studio desk so I can actually create!  This room, like my house, garage and life in general, will be totally transformed in the coming months.  It is time!  Join me as I journey onwards to finding out who I am.


Coastal Girl

New Year, Fresh Start…

It’s that time of year again when resolutions are made, and, more often than not, broken before the month is out.  I am not doing that this year.  My goal is simply to be a better person than I was the day before.  That is it.  Simple.  Done.  This also fits in with my new scrapbooking philosophy.  As Becky Higgins (creator of Project Life) says, “Simple = Done.”  Project Life is my new way of actually getting the job done.  Slip the photo’s in the pockets, Journal on a card, Add a title, and filler cards (if needed) and it is DONE.   Will be nice to have the photos out of boxes (and a myriad of other places), the associated memories documented, and then placed together into an album.

Being that it is the first of the month, I have set up my planner to enable me to stay on track and achieve those things that are important to me.  Aside from this, today has been about tidying the house post holidays.  This has meant taking down my beautiful, coastal inspired, Christmas Tree.  If the last year is any indication, it won’t be long and I will be putting it up again!


So where will 2016 take me?  Time will tell.  Taking care of myself first, because, as the saying goes, we cannot care for anyone else if we put ourselves last.  We simply do not have the energy.  To that end, I started my health and fitness goals last year and will continue to build on those results.  I am feeling better about myself, have more resilience, increased confidence, not to mention being able to buy a new wardrobe.   I have also been catching up on some reading, and, as a result, I am  following the new spiritual path that has opened up before me.  The Journey To Me.  I am learning who I am and discovering what it is I want out of my life.  Like everyone, this is an ongoing process. At the moment,  I am reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin.  Loving it and I feel as though she is inside my head.  We seem to think so alike.

Anyways, this is enough for my first post of the year.  Let me know how you are doing, what goals you have and let’s stumble though this thing called life, together.

Blessings to all,

Coastal Girl